Empowering Women in STEM: Anderson Dahlen Sponsoring Argonne National Laboratory’s ‘Introduce a Girl to Engineering’ Day

Join us in celebrating and supporting women in STEM!

Anderson Dahlen is proud to sponsor Argonne National Laboratory’s Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day on February 17. This important event aims to inspire and encourage girls to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Read on to learn more about the importance of encouraging more women to pursue STEM careers, our involvement and how you can build more opportunities for women in STEM fields.

Historical Barriers to Women in STEM

For years, social and economic factors have created barriers for women in STEM, such as:

  • Gender bias and stereotypes: Historically, gender has been seen as an impediment rather than an advantage to career success in STEM fields.
  • Shortage of role models and mentors: There is a stark gap in female role models and mentors who can encourage them in STEM.
  • Lack of resources and support: Women need more access to resources and support to succeed in STEM, such as training opportunities, networks and funding.
  • Hostile work environments: Many women have faced hostile work environments in STEM fields, such as sexual harassment, discrimination and exclusion from opportunities.

While we still have a long way to go in driving inclusivity in STEM and creating true gender parity in these sectors, we are making strides to break down these barriers. It is now more urgent than ever that we get more women into STEM careers.

Why We Need More Women in STEM Careers

Years of gender disparity in STEM fields have resulted in an overwhelmingly homogeneous workforce. This homogeneity has diminished the sector’s ability to provide more creative and innovative solutions, a hallmark benefit of diversity. The lack of diversity has also caused a talent shortage across multiple industries.

But including more women in STEM fields is about more than just creating a bigger, more creative workforce. It’s about creating true equity in STEM by closing the gender pay gap and achieving the social and economic benefits we’ve come to expect from jobs that exemplify the American Dream.

Solving these issues and working to elevate STEM sectors to their full potential is why thought leaders like Anderson Dahlen and Argonne Laboratories are working hard to encourage more women to pursue a career in STEM. With firsthand knowledge of the exciting and fulfilling nature of STEM, we want to give everyone a chance to explore this world!

ADI and Argonne on a Mission

Argonne is on a mission to empower women in science, technology, engineering and math through its Women in Science and Technology (WIST) program.

Every year, WIST hosts two events to inspire the next generation of STEM leaders: the Science Careers in Search of Women conference for high school girls and Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day for 8th-grade girls. These events allow students to get a hands-on and up-close experience with STEM careers.

Attendees will get to attend lectures, tour local businesses and laboratories, peruse career booths, and even get mentored by Argonne’s amazing female scientists and engineers. For over 30 years, WIST has been making a difference for young people, reaching nearly 400 students and 65 instructors each year through events like these.

Join Us and Argonne Labs in Getting More Women into STEM Careers!

The STEM sector has much to gain from a more gender-balanced workforce. Increasing women representation in STEM careers is crucial for the growth and success of the sector.

We can all play a significant role in promoting and encouraging women in STEM, and it is our hope that we will see continued progress in this area in the years to come! If you would like to learn more about these exciting outreach events or become a corporate sponsor, check out the details here.

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