

Keep Your Plant & Systems Running with Today’s Leading Brands

Whether you need a custom part for your next project or a replacement piece of equipment for your existing system, our line of distributed equipment and components will keep your system running efficiently. Our distributed equipment, including sanitary pumps, unloaders, valves, homogenizers, and heat exchangers, is tailored for your process. Distributed components, including sanitary hoses, pump and valve replacements, manways, fittings and gaskets, and Delavan spray nozzles, are available to purchase online.

Distributed Equipment

Sanitary Pumps




Heat Exchangers

Distributed Components

Sanitary Hoses

Pump & Valve Replacements


Delavan Spray Nozzles

Fittings & Gaskets

Our team is here to answer questions, provide quotes, and offer customer support. Let us know how we can help.